Why the Prerequisites?

If you’re going to invest in WordPress Training then you want your money’s worth. We need to make sure that everyone gets the most from the day, real simple.

None of us want to be caught up with logging in issues, or not being able to see what others are viewing on their screens, which is often the case if you’re trying to use an iPad, it’s just counter productive.

What we DO want is to get on with getting the absolute most from this. So we’re strict, with your benefit in mind.

To attend and participate in one of our Smarter WordPress Workshops the following are non negotiable:

Must have a WordPress website
(On your domain, not WordPress hosted)

Must have your website logins and tested them before attending
(As in the day before not ON the day of the event! Please do TEST your logins)

Must have Full Administrator Level Access
(Pushy aren’t we? WordPress has different level accesses, we just need make sure you have full wp-admin access)

Access to your main email account on the laptop you will be using
(We’ll be setting up some accounts and will need to verify them so you will need to have email access)

NO iPads, must use a laptop
(Seriously, it just can’t be done)

Laptops ONLY, preferably with a cordless mouse
(Just in case you missed the NO iPads)

Wi-Fi able and ready
(Yes, we have super fast NBN, yay, lucky us)

Power cable, it’s a big day, bring your power cable, we have NONE

Laptop PRE-SETUP – Notifications turned off
(No social or email popup distractions, really)

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Peter Butler

Passionate with serial ‘hobbiest’ tendencies. Love WordPress & software 'toys'. Raving 70's Jap Bike collector. By day we convert dead dormant websites into profitable sites, hence ‘Smarter Websites’ - making them 'work', one at a time if necessary. On target for world domination, albeit our part of the world...


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